Ex-FBI Agent Sentenced to Probation for Passing on Information about Undercover Investigation

Steve Neavling ticklthewire.com A former FBI agent who passed on confidential information to a friend about an ongoing federal investigation in New Jersey was sentenced Tuesday to four years of probation, the Washington Post reports. Ivan Stanchev, 43, delivered information about a criminal probe in Newark to a friend who apparently was curious about an…

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Gun ownership appears to be on a steady rise, but the motive is in dispute.

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Over the past decade, the number of federally mandated background checks of prospective gun purchases has nearly doubled, the USA Today reports, citing FBI records. Nearly 17 million people received background checks already this year, up from 8.5 million in 2002, the USA Today wrote. If you ask gun-rights advocates what’s causing…

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Police in Georgia Prepare to Enforce Show-Me-Your-Papers Law

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Police in Georgia are prepared to start enforcing the state’s controversial “show-me-your-papers law” after a federal judge lifted an injunction on it, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. The law allows police to check the immigration status of suspects. Anyone believed to be in the country illegally can be detained, the Journal-Constitution reported. Aimed…

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Two U.S. Citizens Arrested for Allegedly Planing to Wage Violent Jihad in North Africa

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com FBI agents arrested two U.S. citizens accused of trying to leave the U.S. for North Africa “to wage violent jihad,” The Los Angeles Times reports. The 25-year-old residents, Mohammad Abdul Rahman Abukhdair and Randy Wilson, were charged Tuesday with conspiring to kill people outside the U.S. The L.A. Times reports the men…

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