Column: Detroit U.S. Atty McQuade: “We Cannot Allow Detroit to be Defined by Homicide and Violence”

Barbara McQuade has been the U.S. Attorney in Detroit since January 2010.   By Barbara L. McQuade Detroit Free Press Guest Writer DETROIT — As the Free Press’ “Living with Murder” series has vividly illustrated, reducing homicide and violent crime in Detroit is essential to improving our quality of life. Even those who live outside…

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Justice Dept. Knew of Flawed Forensic Work; Innocent People May Have Been Convicted

By Spencer S. Hsu The Washington Post WASHINGTON — Justice Department officials have known for years that flawed forensic work might have led to the convictions of potentially innocent people nationwide, but prosecutors failed to notify defendants or their attorneys even in many cases they knew were troubled. Officials started reviewing the cases in the…

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Attorneys for Convicted Nazi War Criminal Seek Posthumous Restoration of U.S. Citizenship

Shoshanna Utchenik Even in death, his legal battle continues. The JTA News Service reports that attorneys for deceased Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk are trying to restore his U.S. citizenship. They’ve asked a U.S. appeals court to restore his status posthumously. Demjanjuk, a former Cleveland area autoworker, died in Germany in March at age 91….

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