3:10 to Marquette: The Manhunt and Capture of Vincent Loonsfoot in the North Woods of Michigan

By Greg Stejskal ticklethewire.com In the summer of 1988, Vincent Loonsfoot, an American Indian, drove to the Hannahville Potawatomi Reservation near Escanaba, Mich. There he ambushed and shot to death four members of his wife’s family and kidnapped his estranged wife. Loonsfoot then set off into the woods – beginning a highly publicized manhunt through…

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Lawmakers Upset Over Rift Between Reno ATF and U.S. Attorney’s Office in Nevada

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Three members of Congress are increasingly putting pressure on Attorney General Eric Holder to explain the U.S. Attorney’s  dysfunctional relationship with the Reno-based ATF office, Main Justice reports. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Nevada has refused to prosecute ATF cases in the Reno office, leaving as many as a dozen cases untouched…..

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