FBI Investigating Whether Somali Terror Group Is Successfully Recruiting Americans

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A year-long investigation into a Somali terror group’s efforts to recruit Americans may be gathering steam in Minnesota, the Associated Press reports. The FBI has been focusing on Minnesota because it’s home to the largest Somali population in the U.S., according to the AP. Fueling fears that al-Shabab is succeeding in its…

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Border Patrol Agent Arrested on Allegations of Molesting His 14-year-old Relative

 Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A veteran Border Patrol agent faces charges of indecency with a child after surrendering to authorities following accusations that he molested a 14-year-old relative, 6 News reports. Jose Jalomos, 49, is to be charged in two counties where he’s accused of fondling the girl at a ranch and another undisclosed location over…

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