Justice Department: Sheriff’s Office in North Carolina Routinely Violated Rights of Latinos

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  A two-year probe by the U.S. Department of Justice has concluded that a North Carolina sheriff and his deputies targeted and arrested Latinos without probable cause, the Associated Press reports. An 11-page report issued Tuesday says Alamance County Sheriff Terry S. Johnson and his deputies trampled on the constitutional rights of Latinos…

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FBI Says it Did Nothing Wrong by Monitoring Occupy Movement

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The FBI defended its decision to monitor the Occupy movement in Northern California, saying it “respects liberty and privacy and avoids unnecessary intrusions into the lives of law-abiding people,” the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The American Civil Liberties Union brought the surveillance to light under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. “Why…

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Former FBI Cybersecurity Official Steven Chabinsky Thinks FBI is Doing Great Job, But Government Could Do Better

The FBI’s former top attorney for cybersecurity, Steven Chabinsky, who stepped down this month, thinks the FBI is doing a great job battling the problem, but told the Washington Post that the “federal government” has taken a “failed approach” by focusing on reducing vulnerabilities rather than actively deterring attackers. Ticklethewire.com, in summing up the Washington…

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