Treasury Department Chooses Justice Department Investigator to Probe Financial Crimes

Steve Neavling The Treasury Department has tapped a top official with the Justice Department to investigate financial crimes, The Hill reports. Jennifer Shasky Calver, who probed asset forfeiture and money laundering for the Justice Department since 2010, will replace outgoing Jim Freis. Calvery plans to take over the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen)…

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Ex-Marine Detained, Placed in Psychiatric Care for Facebook Posts

Steve Neavling  Supporters of a former Marine who was forced into psychiatric care for posting anti-government messages on Facebook say authorities are violating his First Amendment rights, the Washington Post reports. Brandon J. Raub, 26, has been in custody since Thursday after the FBI, Secret Service and local police became alarmed by ominous Facebook…

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Antioxidant Potential Prunes and prune juice are exceptionally high in antioxidant phenolic compounds cheap nfl jerseys, including anthocyanins and neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids. These compounds inhibit the oxidization of damaging LDL cholesterol, thereby helping to protect against heart disease. Plums rank among the top ten fresh fruits with the highest antioxidant potential, according to “The…

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Investigation: FBI Informant Armed, Trained Black Panther Party

Steve Neavling An undercover FBI informant was responsible for arming and training the Black Panther Party before violence broke out in the turbulent 1960s, the Center for Investigative Reporting has found. Activists were alarmed to learn that Richard Masato Aoki, who was considered a fearless militant and street fighter, was an informant who covertly…

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Justice Department to Probe Professional Baseball Players for Synthetic Testosterone

Steve Neavling  The Department of Justice is joining Major League Baseball in searching for the source of synthetic testosterone found on San Francisco Giants All-Star outfielder Melky Cabrera, the USA Today reports. Helping steer the investigation is Jeff Novitzky, a criminal investigator for the Food and Drug Administration who led a separate probe of…

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