FBI Searches Martial Arts Studio in Mississippi in Search of Ricin Evidence

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  FBI agents investigating who sent ricin-tainted letters to President Obama and other officials searched a martial arts studio in Mississippi on Wednesday after prosecutors dropped charges against the original suspect, CNN reports. Wearing hazardous materials suits, agents also searched the home of James Everett Dutschke on Tuesday after charges were dismissed against…

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Fed Judge Skeptical of Justice Dept. Bid to Dismiss Lawsuit in Fast and Furious Case

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com A fed judge in D.C. appeared skeptical of the Justice Department’s bid to dismiss a lawsuit centering on the poorly thought out ATF operation known as Fast and Furious, according to the Associated Press.  The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has filed a lawsuit seeking records related to the operation….

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