Reputed Boston Mobster Whitey Bulger’s Attorney Seeks Disclosure of FBI Informant

Steve Neavling Reputed Boston mobster James “Whitey” Bulger is asking a federal judge to force the disclosure of the identity of a confidential informant, the Boston Herald reports. Bulger’s lawyers said the informant can help discredit two witnesses who plan to testify against the aging gangster at the criminal trial, which begins June 13….

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AG Holder Defends Justice Department’s Secret Gathering of Associated Press Records

Steve Neavling Attorney General Eric Holder defended the secret gathering of telephone records at the Associated Press on Wednesday, citing a serious national security leak, the AP reports. Grilled by Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. House, Holder testified that he has faith in those conducting the investigation and recused himself from the case…

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Ex-FBI Director Freeh Hired to Investigate Scandal Embroiling Pilot Flying J on Behalf of Victims

Steve Neavling Former FBI Director Louis Freeh’s firm has launched a private investigation on behalf of companies suing Pilot Flying J to determine how much the diesel fuel retailer may have bilked customers out of rebates, the Associated Press reports. The plaintiffs hired Freeh after FBI agents raided Pilot’s headquarters in Knoxville, Tenn. in…

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This is not the serious stuff yet

“This is child’s play Replica Handbags, what happened. This is not the serious stuff yet. What if the same thing happened to 10 nuclear power plants Replica Bags, and they would shut down all the electricity to the grid? What if the same exact thing happened to a water dam or to a bridge?”…

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Je suis fanatique de Café Tacuba

La ménopause est le seul indicateur fiable d’infertilité : elle prouve que les ovaires se sont mis définitivement au repos. On considère que la ménopause est installée quand les règles ont disparu depuis un an. Cette mise au repos intervient en moyenne à 51 canada goose paris,3 ans, mais elle est plus ou moins précoce…

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New York Times Editorial: Justice Department Offers No “Credible Justification” For Seizing AP Phone Records

By The New York Times EDITORIAL BOARD The Obama administration, which has a chilling zeal for investigating leaks and prosecuting leakers, has failed to offer a credible justification for secretly combing through the phone records of reporters and editors at The Associated Press in what looks like a fishing expedition for sources and an effort…

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FBI to Analyze Cell Phones After Video Evidence of Deadly Police Beating Disappeared

Steve Neavling  Witnesses said they saw police ruthlessly beat a California man to death with a baton. Problem is, one the videos confiscated from witnesses has been erased, the Los Angeles Times reports. Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood is asking the FBI to investigate whether authorities tampered with the video to hide evidence of…

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IRS Accused of Political Bias Against Conservative Groups Trying to Get Tax-Exempt Status

Steve Neavling The Justice Department’s probe into the IRS includes questions about whether the tax agency withheld information from Congress and targeted members of conservative groups, the Washington Times reports. A government audit released Tuesday found that the IRS innapropriately singled out the Tea Party and other conservative groups because of their politically charged…

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