CBP Employees Dodge Furloughs with Congressional Approval

 Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Customs and Border workers won’t be forced to take furloughs this year as originally feared, Government Executive reports. CBP employees, who initially faced 14 furlough days in fiscal 2013, dodged the forced days off through appropriations approved by Congress. It was good news for the more than 20,000 CBP workers who feared…

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As FBI Investigates Shooting Death of Chechen Man in Florida, Bureau Rarely Finds Agents at Fault

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The FBI said it’s vigorously investigating whether an agent was justified in shooting to death a Chechen man in Orlando, Fla., over his ties with the Boston Marathon bombing suspects. The New York Times reports that the FBI investigated 150 shootings by agents between 1993 and 2011 and each time the agent…

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