Socialite Jill Kelley Sues FBI for Breach of Privacy During Petraeus Investigation

Steve Neavling  Jill Kelley, whose complaints about threatening e-mails led to the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus, has sued the FBI, saying the agency violated her privacy by divulging her name to the media, the Huffington Post reports. At the time, federal agents were investigating Petraeus’ extramarital relationship with Paula Broadwell, the author…

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ATF Agents in Milwaukee Face Disciplinary Action Over Handling of Storefront Operation in Milwaukee

Steve Neavling Some ATF agents involved with a botched gun-buying storefront operation in Milwaukee face disciplinary action, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. The investigation was so bungled that agents last year had their guns stolen and their storefront pillaged. The Journal Sentinel discovered through a letter sent to Congress that the Justice Department is…

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