Author Speaks Out about New Book That Claims FBI Manufactured Terrorism Cases

Steve Neavling Investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson has caused quite a stir since the release of his new book, “The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism.” Claiming in his book that most terrorism suspects could never have carried out an attack without the help of the FBI, Aaronson spoke at length with…

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Border Patrol Agents Accused of Targeting Latinos

Steve Neavling U.S. Border Patrol agents in Northern Ohio are accused of targeting Latinos and using racial slurs to describe them, WXYC NBC 3 reports. The station reported that two federal lawsuits claims Latinos are targeted solely based on their race or appearance. “Agents…are engaged in a pattern or practice of restraining, interrogating, and…

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Video: Meet New Head of ATF in St. Paul, Find Out His Plan to Curb Gun Crimes

Steve Neavling KSTP ABC News interviewed ATF Chief Scott Sweetow about his plans for curtailing gun crimes. Reporter Steve Teller interviewed Sweetow about his expectations for the office. Watch the entire video here.   OTHER STORIES OF INTEREST FBI Monitors Portland Anarchist Groups Following Rash of Bank Vandalisms FBI Delves Deeper into Pittsburgh Police…

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