JFK’s Assassination Transformed Secret Service into Heavy-Weight Agency

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com When JFK was assassinated, the Secret Service was in store for major changes. The Warren Commission, which was formed to investigate the Nov. 22 shooting, found what it called “certain shortcomings and lapses from high standards which the Commission believes should prevail in the field of Presidential protection.” The ill-prepared Secret Service,…

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FBI Fears Gangs Are Targeting North Carolina Police in Retaliation for Shooting

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A gang in Wilmington, N.C., appears to be retaliating against police for fatally shooting one of its members in October, the Star News reports. Police shot Brandon Devone Smith on Oct. 13 after he allegedly fired at a sheriff’s detective. A state investigation concluded the fatal shooting was justified. “Low-ranking gang members…

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Former College Student on FBI’s ‘Most Wanted’ List for Spying on Suspected Cheating Lovers

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com For just $89, a former San Diego college student has been selling malicious software that spies on suspected cheating lovers. Although Carlos Enrique Perez-Melara likely didn’t make a lot of money, he was one of five people recently added to the FBI’s list of most wanted cyber-criminals, the San Francisco Chronicle reports….

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Border Patrol May Ignore Recommendation to Stop Shooting Rock-Throwers

Steve Neavling tickleticklethewire.com Despite a government-commissioned review recommending an end to the practice of shooting rock-throwers, Border Patrol agents may continue anyway, the Associated Press reports. CBP responded that the recommendation was “very restrictive.” The review came from the Police Executive Research Forum, a nonprofit that advises law enforcement agencies, the AP wrote. Border Patrol…

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