Justice Department Gives Agent Permission to Publish Book Critical of Agency

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The Justice Department has switched its position and said an ATF agent may publish a book about the agency’s bungled gun smuggling sting operation “Fast and Furious,”  the Associated Press reports. The department said it was notifying the ACLU, which is representing ATF agent John Dodson, that the book could be published….

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Justice Department Memo Suggests Leakers Face Firing Squad?

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Leak information and you face a firing squad from the Justice Department. So suggests a page of the ATF’s online manual, some employees complained, reports the Washington Times. With the recent mass shootings and leaks, some ATF employees were offended, saying the agency already fosters a hostile environment for whistleblowers. ATF authorities…

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FBI’s Facial-Recognition Technology Could Fail Up to 20% of the Time

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The FBI has said its facial-recognition technology is a critical component of fighting the war on terror and other serious threats. But new records indicate the technology could fail 20% of the time, the National Journal reports. “An innocent person may become part of an investigation because the technology isn’t completely accurate,”…

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