Ex-Border Patrol Officers Accused U.S. Politicians of Protecting Mexican Drug Cartels

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Former Border Patrol officers accused some U.S. politicians of protecting Mexican drug cartels with lenient immigration laws and sanctuary cities, Newsmax.com reports. “We must never lose sight of the fact that the United States is the market place for the bulk of transnational criminal businesses engaged in human trafficking and the smuggling,…

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FBI Arrests Two South Florida Mayors on Extortion Bribery, Kickback Charges

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The FBI arrested not one – but two – mayors in South Florida on bribery-related charges, the Associated Press reports. On Tuesday, feds took into custody Sweetwater Mayor Manuel “Manny” Marono and Miami Lakes Mayor Michael Pizzi. Both are accused of separate kickback and bribery schemes using federal grants. Gov. Rick Scott…

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Feds Accuse Detroit Area Oncologist of Some Outrageous Things

By Allan Lengel Deadline Detroit DETROIT — Under the category of “You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me” comes Dr. Farid Fata. The feds claim that the 48-year-old oncologist from Oakland Township submitted false claims to Medicare for services that were medically unnecessary, including chemotherapy treatments for patients. He was arrested Tuesday. “Dr. Fata allegedly perpetrated…

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