Report: FBI Background Checks Are Riddled with Inaccuracies That Cost People Jobs

Steve Neavling As employers increasingly rely on FBI background checks before hiring prospective employees, a new report shows the process is riddled with errors and omissions, The Columbus Dispatch reports. The report from the Employment Law Project estimates that 1.8 million workers are subjected to faulty background checks. “As millions of workers struggle to…

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U.S. Blasts Russia for Granting Asylum to NSA Leaker Edward Snowden

Steve Neavling The U.S. government has expressed deep disappointment over Russia’s decision to grant asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden, the BBC reports. The White House is considering a number of moves to express that disappointment, including canceling a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “We’re extremely disappointed that the Russian government would take…

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Muslims Oppose Appointment of Raymond Kelly As New Homeland Security Chief

Steve Neavling The potential nomination of New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly to the top position at Homeland Security has enraged Muslim-American groups, the Huffington Post reports. Islamic groups said Kelly, as the head of the nation’s largest police force, oversaw the targeting of innocent Muslim based solely on their religion. Kelly also…

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