Microsoft Helped NSA, FBI Access Personal User Information

Steve Neavling Microsoft Corp has helped U.S. intelligence service intercept users’ communication, Reuters reports. The software company also permitted the NSA to circumvent email encryption to gain access to users. The information comes from documents released to the Guardian by NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Among the communication collected was conversations on Skype, an online…

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Ex-FBI Director Freeh Facing Libel, Defamation Suit Over Penn State Child Sex Abuse Scandal

   Steve Neavling Former FBI director Louis Freeh is being sued for libel and defamation over his detailed report about the child sex abuse scandal at Penn State University, the Associated Press reports. The university’s former president, Graham Spanier, initiated the suit because of how he was characterized in the report. The filing came…

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Human Rights Groups to Meet With Snowden at Moscow Airport Where He Will Break His Silence

Steve Neavling NSA leaker Edward J. Snowden plans to break his silence after spending nearly three weeks in legal limbo at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport, The New York Times reports. Airport officials said Snowden plans to meet with international human rights groups Friday. The rights workers will be escorted through security and into the transit…

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Justice Department Accused of Supporting Anti-Zimmerman Protests After Martin Shooting

Steve Neavling The Justice Department has spent tax dollars supporting a campaign against George Zimmerman following the shooting of Trayvon Martin, Fox News reports, citing a conservative watchdog group. The Justice Department has a branch, called the Community Relations Service, that handles conflicts over race. According to documents cited by Fox News, the CRS…

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WikiLeaks Hints That NSA Leaker Snowden Is on Verge of Being Granted Asylum

Steve Neavling NSA leaker Edward Snowden may soon be granted asylum, and the “obvious choice” is Venezuela, WikiLeaks hinted Wednesday, the USA Today reports. If true, that would end weeks of an international stalemate that left Snowden in legal limbo at a Moscow airport. WikiLeaks, which has advocated for Snowden’s asylum, tweeted on Wednesday:…

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Lawyers for ‘Whitey’ Bulger Ask for Postponement in Murder, Racketeering Trial

  Steve Neavling  Attorneys for accused mobster James “Whitey” Bulger said they are not prepared to defend their client during the racketeering and murder trial, CBS Boston reports. “Simply put, the defendant’s counsel have hit a wall, and are unable to proceed further without additional time to prepare for upcoming witnesses,” Bulger’s attorneys J.W. Carney…

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