House Committee Grows Impatient with FBI, Justice Department’s Handling of Boston Bombing Case

Steve Neavling  If the U.S. wants to stop an attack similar to the Boston Marathon bombing, the Justice Department and FBI must do a better job sharing information with local law enforcement, officials told lawmakers Wednesday, The Hill reports. “We can no longer deal with this by not sharing information. We’re going to miss…

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Opinion: Comey Shows Fierce Independence But Supports Phone, Internet Sweeps

Michael E. Schmidt New York Times President Obama’s nominee for F.B.I. director, James Comey, faced a mostly friendly Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, and he is almost assured confirmation given strong bipartisan support. But his tenure as deputy attorney general in the George W. Bush administration raises important questions about his commitment to civil liberties…

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Privacy Rights Group Sues Federal Government Over NSA Surveillance Program

Steve Neavling A privacy rights group is suing the Obama administration over its NSA surveillance program, the USA Today reports. The Electronic Privacy Center has taken the case to the Supreme Court to argue the program is unconstitutional. In its petition to the court, the group said the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ‘exceeded its…

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