Obama Administration Removed More than 100,000 Immigrants with No Criminal Record This Year

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The Obama administration is deporting fewer people, but his administration continues to oust tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who don’t have criminal records, The Washington Times reports. The deportation of rank-and-file immigrants – more than 110,000 this year – is incensing advocacy groups. “DHS consistently misleads the public about who it…

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Leaked Pakistani Report Rips Its Government for “Gross Incompetence” in Hunt for Osama bin Laden

Doug Stanglin USA TODAY Osama bin Laden lived undetected in Pakistan for nine years before he was killed by U.S. forces, according to a leaked Pakistani government report that blasts the country’s civilian and military leadership for “gross incompetence” over the bin Laden affair. It finds that Pakistan’s intelligence establishment had “closed the book” on…

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Russia: NSA Leaker Snowden May Be Down to ‘Last Chance’ As Venezuela Gets Involved

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Venezuela appears to be NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s last hope of gaining asylum, an influential member of Parliament said, USA Today reports. Alexei Pushkov, head of the Parliament’s international affairs committee, wrote on Twitter: “Venezuela is waiting for an answer from Snowden. This, perhaps, is his last chance to receive political asylum.”…

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NSA’s Surveillance of Domestic Calls Was Permitted by Secret Court in Mid-2000s

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A secret court played a major role in the NSA’s ability to gather phone data on millions of Americans, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court decided in the mid-2000s to broaden the definition of “relevant,” which allowed the collection of millions of people’s phone records. The information includes…

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