First-Amendment Lawyer: AG Eric Holder Has Some Wrongs to Correct Before Leaving

By David A. Schulz For Washington Post As Eric Holder reflects on his six years as attorney general, one disturbing aspect of his legacy should give him significant pause. On Holder’s watch, legal protections traditionally afforded to communications between reporters and sources have been torn down, potentially damaging for years to come the media’s ability…

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Attorney General Holder Says Ferguson Police Department Needs ‘Wholesale Change’

By Steve Neavling Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. called for “wholesale change” in the Ferguson Police Department, the Associated Press reports.  Holder sad in a question-and-answer session with a newspaper at the Washington Ideas Forum that serious changes are needed. “I think it’s pretty clear that the need for wholesale change in that…

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Seattle Times: FBI ‘Obliterated a Line That Should Have Never Been Crossed’ with Fake News Site

By Seattle Times Editorial Board The Associated Press has a well-earned reputation as an independent, credible government watchdog. That’s why the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s appropriation of that credibility in a 2007 case obliterated a line that should never have been crossed. The laudable end — conviction of a student making school bomb threats —…

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Homeland Security Official Who Investigated Prostitution Scandal Accused of Hiring Prostitute

By Steve Neavling   A federal investigator in charge of a prostitution scandal involving the Secret Service in 2012 has stepped down after surveillance allegedly caught him with a prostitute in Florida, the New York Daily News reports.   Homeland Security investigator David Nieland resigned Aug. 9, ostensibly for health reasons. But federal officials…

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