Jeh Johnson

Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson Acknowledges Border Security Needs to Be Improved

Steve Neavling In a major departure from his predecessor, new Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson is complaining that the border needs to be strengthened, the Washington Times reports. Unlike predecessor Janet Napolitano, Johnson is urging Congress to help improve border security. Napolitano took on the tone that the border was more secure than ever….

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Drug Policy Alliance: DEA Impeded, Rejected Science on Medical Marijuana for 4 Decades

By Ethan Nadelmann Executive Director of Drug Policy Alliance For four decades, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has systematically obstructed medical research and rejected scientific evidence. It’s increasingly clear that entrusting decisions involving medical science to the DEA is akin to leaving the fox in charge of the henhouse. And what’s most striking is how…

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CBP Removes Head of Internal Affair in Search of More Aggressive Watchdog

Steve Neavling The head of internal affairs at Customs and Border Protection was removed from his position Monday following criticism that he wasn’t aggressive enough with agents accused of using inappropriate force, the Los Angeles Times reports. James F. Tomsheck, whose job is to root out corruption among the federal government’s largest law enforcement…

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Border Patrol Cracks Down on Agents’ Use of Personal Technology After Alarming Photos Turn Up

Steve Neavling Photos that were leaked from overcrowded Border Patrol processing centers has prompted the federal agency to ban agents from using personal technology in some areas, reports. The photos show children sleeping in cramped areas surrounded by chain-linked cages. “Due to the recent unauthorized use of a personally owned electronic device in…

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