FBI Agents Part of U.S. Team to Help Nigerian Government Search for Abducted Schoolgirls

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The U.S. are sending nearly 30 experts to from the FBI and State and Defense departments to help the Nigerian government track down nearly 300 abducted schoolgirls, the Washington Post reports. Among those helping are four FBI officials specialize in recovering kidnap victims, negotiations and preventing future cases. About 276 girls are…

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FBI Reports New Scheme in Texas in Which Callers Are Told Loved One Was Kidnapped

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Authorities are dealing with a sick new scheme in Texas called “virtual kidnapping.” Victims get a call, usually in the middle of the night, from someone who says they’ve kidnapped a loved one and wants ransom money wired immediately, KSAT.com reports. The callers usually doesn’t have any contact with the person they…

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Seeking Tough Justice in Probes into Financial Institutions, But Settling for Empty Promises

By Jesse Eisinger  ProPublica  Don’t get too excited about bank indictments. The Justice Department is talking tough. In an unusually frank video statement, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. proclaimed that he was personally overseeing major financial investigations and that his department was poised to bring charges against several large institutions. The United States attorney in Manhattan,…

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Seeking Tough Justice in Probes of Financial Institutions, But Settling for Empty Promises

By Jesse Eisinger  ProPublica  Don’t get too excited about bank indictments. The Justice Department is talking tough. In an unusually frank video statement, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. proclaimed that he was personally overseeing major financial investigations and that his department was poised to bring charges against several large institutions. The United States attorney in Manhattan,…

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