Former Discount Furniture Salesman Becomes Foremost Expert in Cyber Crime for FBI

Steve Neavling Before becoming a leading expert on cyber crime, J. Keith Mularski sold discount furniture. Now he’s a supervisory special agent for the FBI, heading the Pittsburgh field office’s cyber squad, the Associated Press reports. After graduating from college, Mularski spent about five years selling furniture before joining the FBI. “I was in…

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Texas Gov. Perry to President Obama: Send in 1,000 National Guard Troops to Avert Immigration Crisis

Steve Neavling Gov. Rick Perry urged President Obama to deploy 1,000 National Guard troops to southern Texas in a show of force designed to dissuade more Central Americans from crossing the Mexican border the American-Statesman reports. Perry said the solution should not be spending an additional $3.7 billion in taxes to address the crisis….

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Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association Strongly Opposes Proposal to Eliminate ATF

  By Allan Lengel The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) on Thursday denounced  Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner’s proposal to eliminate ATF and have it absorbed by another agency. “Violent gangs, gun traffickers and active shooters will not take pause while Congress attempts to engage in an unwarranted bureaucratic maneuver that would waste taxpayer dollars and leave the public at risk,” said FLEOA President Jon Adler…

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