Border Patrol Halts Flights to San Diego, Saying Backlog of Central American Immigrants Decreasing

Steve Neavling Border Patrol’s plan to alleviate the surge of Central American immigrants along the border of Mexico no longer involves flying children and families to San Diego, the USA Today reports. The federal agency halted the experiment following a protest that blocked busloads of immigrants from reaching a processing facility in San Diego….

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Justice Department Highlights New Immigration Strategy in Wake of Border Crisis

Steve Neavling The Justice Department launched a two-pronged approach to addressing the surge of illegal immigration from Central America, the Washington Examiner reports. The plan aims to help Central American governments address the growing humanitarian crisis and to speed up immigration cases. The Executive Office for Immigration Review will prioritize cases involving immigrants who…

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Residents of Small Arizona Town Stand Up Against Border Patrol Presence

Steve Neavling People living in a small Arizona town about 20 miles north of the Mexico border are growing increasingly angry about the presence of the Border Patrol. The Associated Press reports that resident of Arivaca are protesting a checkpoint where they say residents’ rights are being violated. Residents also are monitoring interactions between…

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