TSA Officers Killed in Line off Duty to Receive Same Death Benefits As Other Federal Law Enforcement Officers

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com It’s not often that a TSA officer dies in the line of duty. In fact, TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez, 39, became the first to die on Nov. 1 at Los Angeles International Airport. But Westside Today reports that the House Appropriations Committee this week approved a legislative amendment that would provide the…

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FBI Launches Criminal Investigation of Veterans Affairs Department As Scandal Deepens

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The FBI has opened a criminal investigation into widespread problems at the Veterans Affairs Department, CNN reports. Among other things, agents are examining the long wait lines and whether paperwork was falsified to make delays appear shorter. “At the department’s direction, the FBI has instructed agents in its Phoenix office to conduct…

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Immigrant Rights Groups: Border Patrol Mistreating Children in Documented Cases of Abuse

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Border Patrol agents are accused of mistreating children in 116 reported cases of abuse, according to a compliant filed by Customs and Border Protection. CNN reports that the cases range from sexual abuse to holding young undocumented immigrants in cramped, dirty condition, CNN reports. The cases span several years. “Given these longstanding…

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Report: DEA Has Impeded Much-Needed Research into Medical Benefits of Marijuana for Years

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The DEA has obstructed research into the medical benefits of marijuana in an attempt to keep the drug from being reclassified, according to a new report, AlJazeera reports. “The DEA impedes research by abusing its discretionary powers over the scheduling process, making it difficult to obtain marijuana for research purposes. We recommend…

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FBI Ramps Up Skills to Combat Growing Sophistication of International Cyber Attacks

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The FBI defeated an insidious computer virus using anti-hacker tactics that the bureau didn’t have a few years ago, Bloomberg reports. The cyberbattle with Gameover Zeus ended in victory last week after FBI experts reverse-engineered the virus’ communication, seized control over servers overseas and kept hackers from re-establishing contact. “This was the…

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