Border Patrol Supervisor to Be Charged Today for Allegedly Installing Camera in Women’s Restroom

By Steve Neavling  A U.S. Border Patrol supervisor accused of hiding a camera in a women’s bathroom is expected to be officially charged today following a federal investigation. Reuters reports that Armando Gonzalez, 46, was arrested and is being held on charges that are expected to be unsealed today. Gonzalez is accused of installing…

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Two Security Screeners Accused of Helping Drug Smuggler Get Meth on Plane

By Steve Neavling  Two security screeners at San Francisco International Airport have been charged with accepting bribes in exchange for allowing smugglers to carry methamphetamine through an airport checkpoint, SFGate reports. According to the federal complaint, Claudio Rene Sunux, 30, of San Francisco, and Amanda Lopez, 27 of South San Francisco, were security screeners…

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Ooops!! Feds Screws Up; Didn’t Have Court Stenographer in Brooklyn Courtroom During Verdict of Convicted al Qaeda Terrorist

By Allan Lengel A source tells The New York Daily News: “I have never heard anything like this happening before — ever.” John Marzulli of the Daily News writes that the court may have to be a do-over of the verdict in the federal Brooklyn trial of convicted Al Qaeda terrorist Abid Naseer. Apparently…

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Why FBI Must Do More to Protect Whistleblowers from Discipline

By Michael German Defense One There seems to be a growing consensus that protecting intelligence community whistleblowers is important to national security. More needs to be done to protect them. During his 2013 nomination hearing to be FBI director, James Comey called whistleblowers “a critical element of a functioning democracy” and vowed to protect them from reprisals. He said that “folks have to feel…

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