White House Didn’t Invite FBI Director to Conference on Curbing Violent Extremists

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A three-day conference on quelling violent extremism this week did not include the nation’s most senior official tasked with preventing terrorist attacks – FBI Director James B. Comey. The reason the White House didn’t invite him: The administration doesn’t want too much of the focus on law enforcement, The New York Times…

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All 9 Former DEA Administrators Join Forces to Oppose Legalization of Pot in Colorado

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com All nine of the DEA’s former administrators signed an amicus brief that was filed Thursday in support of a Supreme Court petition challenging Colorado’s recreational marijuana laws, Politico reports. The directors are siding with Oklahoma and Nebraska’s Supreme Court petition that challenges legalization. The law in Colorado “gravely menace[s]…[t]he health, comfort…

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ACLU: Border Patrol Responsible for Chronic Inhumane Treatment of Immigrants

By ACLU Attorney James Lyall Arizona Daily Star For years, watchdog groups have issued report after report detailing the brutal conditions faced by children in Border Patrol custody. Since 2008, non-governmental aid organizations have documented at least 1,600 specific examples of children suffering abuse and inhumane environments in the Border Patrol’s detention facilities. Border Patrol…

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Justice Department Considering Suing Ferguson Over Racial Discrimination

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The Justice Department is prepared to sue the city of Ferguson, Mo., if city leaders balk at revising discriminatory police tactics, The Dallas Morning News reports. Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to reveal the findings from two separate federal investigations into the police shooting of a black 18-year-old, Michael Brown….

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