Former Hillary Clinton Staffer Cooperates with FBI in Exchange for Immunity
The Justice Department has granted immunity to Bryan Pagliano, who is now cooperating wth the FBI as it investigates possible mishandling of classified information.
The Justice Department has granted immunity to Bryan Pagliano, who is now cooperating wth the FBI as it investigates possible mishandling of classified information.
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who is an electronic security expert, criticized FBI Director Jame Comey for being “unprepared” to answer questions about the fight to get Apple to unlock an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters.
The Secret Service’s rough treatment of a Time photographer during a Donald Trump rally has raised serious questions about the agency’s role during campaigns.
A former FBI special agent was wrongly fired after he blew the whistle on alleged sexual misconduct among his co-workers, a federal appeals court has ruled.
The FBI conceded Tuesday that it made a mistake when trying to capture data from an iPhone belonging to one of the an Bernardino shooters.
Bipartisanship, baby! Congress finally found something to agree on this Super Tuesday—how slippery the FBI’s stance on encryption is.
If Border Patrol agents don’t like President Obama’s deportation amnesty, they should quit, said Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske.
The Secret Service is investigating one of its agents after he threw a Time photographer to the ground by his neck.