Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association Blasts Apple Over Encryption Issue
fleo, federal, law enforcement, apple, encryption
fleo, federal, law enforcement, apple, encryption
Sterling is serving 3.5 years in prison after passing along classified information to a New York Times reporter.
Your phone is a very intimate device.
Gov. Charlie Baker also has called for a state Ethics Commission investigation after the Boston Globe reported that Joyce was receiving free dry cleaning for more than a decade.
Another Republican presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, said the issue was complicated.
The ATF recovered 24 homemade hand grenades from a factory in a residential neighborhood near Birmingham, Ala.
The flag read, “Love for all,” in Arabic.
A magistrate judge in Riverside, Calif., signed an order Tuesday to request that Apple disable a feature that erases phone data after 10 unsuccessful attempts to enter the password.