Fiancé Still Awaits Answers in Border Patrol Agent’s Mysterious Death
The man Angela Ochoa was about to marry was unconscious in an El Paso hospital bed, riddled with cuts and bruises.
The man Angela Ochoa was about to marry was unconscious in an El Paso hospital bed, riddled with cuts and bruises.
Carl Bernstein, the Washington Post reporter who helped expose the Watergate scandal under President Nixon, is skeptical that Donald Trump will agree to an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller because of the president’s “compulsive, continual lying.”
Democrats are refusing to give up on their fight to publicly release a classified report that rebuts a much-disputed, Republican-drafted memo alleging the FBI and Justice Department had abused their surveillance powers to spy on a former Trump campaign aide.
Rachel L. Brand, the third in command at the Justice Department and the first woman to serve as associate attorney general, plans to step down after nine months on the job as President Trump and his allies escalate their criticism of the nation’s top law enforcement agencies.
President Trump on Friday blocked the release of a classified, Democratic memo that counters a much-disputed, GOP-drafted document alleging the FBI and Justice Department had abused their surveillance powers to spy on a former Trump campaign aide.
The special counsel investigation that began over growing evidence that Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential election quickly expanded to Donald Trump’s campaign and administration officials following mounting allegations of wrongdoing.
Former President George W. Bush said Thursday “there’s pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled” in the 2016 presidential election, an apparent rebuke of President Trump and his refusal to accept the findings of his intelligence agencies.