3 Men Posing as U.S. Marshals Barge into Arizona Home, Beat Two Occupants

By Steve Neavling

Three armed men in camouflaged clothing and face masks posed as U.S. Marshals officials and broke into a home in Arizona before assaulting two people inside the house. 

Just before 5 a.m. on Aug. 10, the suspects identified themselves as U.S. Marshals officers and demanded to be let inside the Golden Valley home, the Sacramento Bee reports.

The occupants of the home refused to let the suspects inside after they failed to show identification. 

Armed with a shotgun, rifle, two handguns, and a baseball bat, the men barged into the home with force and began beating two occupants. 

The suspects eventually fled. 

The two victims were taken to a hospital with blunt force trauma and broken bones. 

Three suspects have been arrested, and the weapons were recovered.

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