Nazi War Criminals Continued Collecting Social Security Benefits from U.S.

By Steve Neavling 

At least 38 suspected Nazi war criminals removed from the U.S. continued receiving their Social Security benefits as part of a strange deal struck with the Justice Department, the Seattle Times reports.

One of them is former Auschwitz guard Jakob Denzinger, who fled to Germany and still collects about $1,500 a month in Social Security payments

The Social Security payments were used by the Justice Department as leverage to convince the suspected war criminals to leave the U.S.

The loophole that made it possible for the suspects to receive Social Security benefits would have been closed in legislation that was opposed by the Office of Special Investigations, which went after Nazis.

An analysis by the Associated Press found that 28 suspected Nazi criminals received $1.5 million in Social Security benefits after being removed from the U.S.

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