Ex-Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell Sentenced to 2 Years

Gov. Bob McDonnell
By Allan Lengel

Ex-Virginia Governor Robert F. McDonnell was sentenced Tuesday in federal court in Richmond to two years in prison for soliciting and obtaining payments, loans, gifts and other items from Star Scientific, a Virginia-based corporation, and Jonnie R. Williams Sr., Star Scientific’s then chief executive officer.

McDonnell and his wife, Maureen McDonnell, were convicted of one count of conspiracy to commit honest-services wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to obtain property under color of official right. McDonnell was also convicted of three counts of honest-services wire fraud and six counts of obtaining property under color of official right.

Maureen McDonnell was also convicted of two counts of honest services wire fraud counts and four counts of obtaining property under color of official right. She is set to be sentenced Feb. 20.

“Robert McDonnell corrupted the most powerful office in Virginia and fractured the public’s trust,” said Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell in a statement. “Taking bribes in exchange for official actions is not politics as usual – it is an insidious crime that strikes at the heart of public service and will not be tolerated.”

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