Republicans Mull Alternatives to Shutting Off Funding to Homeland Security

By Steve Neavling 

The GOP is considering alternative ways to disrupt President Obama’s immigration than cutting off funding to the Homeland Security Department at a time when the nation is on high alert for terrorists, Politico reports.

Republicans are exploring several options, including suing to overturn the president’s executive decision to prevent millions of undocumented immigrants from being deported. Another option is approving a short-term budget for DHS while considering other options.

“Either way, Republican leaders hope to reach a deal that would allow Homeland Security funding to continue past Feb. 27, without making it appear to their right flank that they are caving to the White House,” Pollitico wrote.

Still, some Republicans aren’t balking and want to take a hard line against the president.

“How Republicans resolve the fight will help answer a lingering question for their new congressional majority: Will they use their new power to go toe-to-toe with the White House or pick and choose their political battles even if that risks riling up their right flank?” Politico added.

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One thought on “Republicans Mull Alternatives to Shutting Off Funding to Homeland Security

  1. Steve…Does anyone edit your stories before they are posted?? The very first sentence says that “The FBI is considering alternative ways…” Really?? The FBI is behind this? Why don’t you look at the POLITCO story and see that the actual acronym to use is “GOP”…not FBI. Big difference.

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