Hillary Clinton Retains Security Clearance Despite FBI Inquiry into Handling of Classified Information

hillary-clintonBy Steve Neavling

Although the FBI is investigating Hillary Clinton’s handling of sensitive government information on her private email account, she still has security clearance to access classified information, McClatchy reports. 

National security experts said it’s common practice to remove that clearance during an investigation.

“Whether you’re a member of the military, a high-ranking executive branch official or anybody else with a security clearance, people should be treated equally,” said Grassley, R-Iowa. “If rank-and-file military and intelligence community employees have their clearances suspended during security investigations, then senior officials should not get any special exemptions.”

The State Department has revealed that Clinton sent or received at least 200 e-mails containing classified information through her private system.

“If this were a normal employee, it would be entirely routine to temporarily suspend their access pending investigation,” said Bradley Moss, a Washington lawyer who handles national security information.

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