Retired FBI Official Michael Mason Remembers Fondly Agent Robin Ahren

Michael Mason is a retired Executive Assistant Director of the FBI. Thirty years ago this month, Robin Ahrens became the first female FBI agent killed in the line of duty.

Robin Ahrens
Robin Ahrens

By Michael Mason

It’s hard to believe it’s been 30 years since Robin Ahrens was killed in the line of duty. I met Robin briefly when our paths crossed at the FBI Academy.

I can still remember being advised that a female agent had been killed and then hearing Robin’s name. It was like a punch in the stomach. Not really because I can claim to have known her well, we were both new agent trainees and she was one class behind my class.

Rather it was because she was one of us…not just an agent, but a brand new agent. The reality of the danger of the job became very real in that moment.

It’s always a bit more sobering to hear about the passing of anyone with whom you had even the briefest of encounters. It makes the incident less anonymous. Your story made me pause and think of all the life I have lived since she was killed.

Though I am not a religious man, it is moments like this I hope there is a heaven. It is right to pause and remember those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice.

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