Senate Homeland Security Chairman Calls for War Against Islamic State

Sen. Ron Johnson
Sen. Ron Johnson

By Steve Neavling

The head of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee said Monday that the he supports going to war against Islamic State, the USA Today reports. 

Sen. Ron Johnson also called President Obama’s approach naive because of the global threat posed by the terrorist organization.

“It’s high time that we make a commitment in the world that Islamic terrorists have got to be wiped off the face of the planet,” the Wisconsin Republican said in a telephone interview. “Because if we don’t, every day that ISIS survives, every day that they are not overtly losing, they are perceived as winners and perceived as winning and they’ll continue to inspire adherents to this barbarity.”

Johnson supports a global coalition, like the one used by former President George H.W. Bush to push Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait.

“It’s not a perfect solution, but you have to start at the head: We’ve got to destroy the caliphate, which means we’ve got to take back the territory, because a caliphate does not exist without the territory,” he said.

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