Report: ATF improves after Fast and Furious, But Other Federal Agencies Did Not

atf-gunsBy Steve Neavling

Some federal agencies have not taken adequate steps to prevent another botched gun-smuggling investigation like the one known as “Operation Fast and Furious,” according to a report from the Department of Justice’s inspector general.

The New York Times reports  ATF has made “significant progress” to address problems related to the operation.

But that’s not the case for some other federal law enforcement agencies. The FBI and DEA, for example, have failed to adequately minimize risks connected with gun investigations, the report stated.

Under the botched ATF investigation that was exposed five years ago, federal law enforcement tried to build a criminal case against Mexican drug cartels by allowing American gun traffickers with links to the cartels to smuggle the firearms across the southern border.

The inspection general report praised the Justice Department for instituting recommended changes, such as better training and more oversight for ATF.

Other federal agencies have “not taken sufficient steps to institute policies to avoid repetition of the errors we identified in our report,” the inspector general said.

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