Fed Grand Jury Takes No Action Tuesday In Palin Email Case

Gov. Palin/state photo
Gov. Palin/state photo

In the midst of the nation’s financial meltdown and the hotly contested presidential campaign, a grand jury in Chatanooga heard testimony on the hacking of Gov. Sarah Palin’s email account. The Chatanooga paper reports that the federal grand jury took no action Tuesday.

By Monica Mercer
Chatanooga Times Free Press
CHATANOOGA, Tenn — A federal grand jury in Chattanooga ended its session around lunch time today without indicting a University of Tennessee student who authorities believe may have hacked into vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s personal e-mail account.
Three students arrived at the federal courthouse on Georgia Avenue at about 8:45 a.m. today to provide testimony about UT student David Kernell’s activities. The students did not provide their names and did not answer questions about the case. An attorney with them declined to comment as well.

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