Georgia Lawsuit Says Fed Prosecutor Drove Woman To Suicide

For a prosecutor who pressures someone to testify, for a reporter who exposes someone’s wrongdoing, the end results can sometimes be deadly.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
ATLANTA — A federal prosecutor drove a woman to suicide by threatening to indict her to get her to incriminate her husband in a massive investigation of a Norcross dietary supplement company, according to a lawsuit.

The Fulton County Superior Court lawsuit filed last week contends Aaron Danzig kept Jessica Holda “in a state of terror and dread.”

Two years ago, Holda took a .40-caliber Ruger pistol and shot herself in the head.

The lawsuit contends she killed herself after Danzig threatened to prosecute her for selling a luxury car that the government had targeted for seizure if she didn’t assist in the federal investigation.

“I hope Aaron Danzig feels some kind of remorse,” Holda wrote in her suicide note. “I blame him for my struggles with wanting to live.”

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