FBI Finds Useful Information on Unlocked iPhone of San Bernardino Shooter

Apple-iphoneBy Steve Neavling

The FBI is making progress after cracking an iPhone of one of the San Bernardino killers.

Fortune reports that the phone reveals Syad Farook likely did not coordinate with another plotter.

The phone has been at the center of a heated debate over privacy and encryption.

After Apple refused to help open the iPhone, the FBI found help from professional hackers.

The FBI continues to search the phone for evidence.

One thought on “FBI Finds Useful Information on Unlocked iPhone of San Bernardino Shooter

  1. The only way the statement “FBI Finds Useful Information” is true is if you consider the lack of information itself to be useful information. The iphone that was cracked was Farood’s work phone and other media outlets are reporting that nothing was found on it. Your headline is total spin.

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