Experts to Homeland Security: Don’t Use Color-Coded Terror Threat Index

Jeh Johnson
Jeh Johnson
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson

By Steve Neavling

After Homeland Security stopped issuing its color-coded terror threat index five years ago, the agency has struggled to find a better way to alert the public.

In 2014, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson proposed a new system of reds, yellows and greens.

But the Institute of Defense Analysis, which was hired to review the new system, said the colors were a “disaster” for communicating terror threats, the Associated Press reports. 

“DHS should learn from its own history and avoid repeating this error,” the consultants said in its 53-page report.

The chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee also scoffed at the color codes.

“DHS spent $90,000 on a question we already know the answer to,” said Sen. Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican who has introduced a bill for border metrics. “Measuring the security across our borders is complex and requires sophisticated and consistent metrics — not a series of colors.”

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