Men, Women Come Forward to Say They Had Relationship with Orlando Shooter

Omar Mateen
Omar Mateen

By Steve Neavling

Omar Mateen, the man who opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, frequently used online dating sites seeking both men and women.

CBS News reports that men and women have approached the FBI about having a relationship with Mateen, who was killed in a shootout with police.

One man said he had a two-month sexual relationship with Mateen last year.

“He was very sweet guy, he loved to be cuddled,” said the man in a recorded interview with Univision anchor Maria Elena Salinas that aired Tuesday night. “He had to confess something, that ‘I have a wife’… I asked him ‘does you wife know’ and he said ‘yes she know everything.'”

The man suggested Mateen was likely seeking revenge “for gay Puerto Ricans from when he felt rejected.”

The man added that Mateen’s father was homophobic.

“He told me when his father find out I’m gay, he want to kill me.”

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