FBI Dir. Robert Mueller to Visit Pakistan

Director Robert Mueller III
Director Robert Mueller III

During the J. Edgar Hoover days it would have been shocking to hear that the big guy was taking a little trip to Pakistan. But in this jet-setting era, and at  a time the FBI has expanded its role around the world, it doesn’t seem that far fetched for a director to head off to a far off land like Pakistan.

By Agence France Press
ISLAMABAD — The director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will lead a team visiting Pakistan next month to help investigate the Mumbai attacks, the foreign ministry said Thursday.

New Delhi blamed the attacks, which killed 165 people last November, on the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the siege soured a five-year peace process between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan.

“Headed by Robert Mueller, the team will arrive in Pakistan on March 4,” foreign office spokesman Abdul Basit told a press briefing in Islamabad.
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