Globe Gazette: Donald Trump Should Live in White House, Not NYC

By Editorial Board
Globe Gazette

white house big photoA president-elect who handles his transition from his hometown, not Washington. A big city and its residents cursed with traffic snarls and security measures that get in the way of normal life. An incoming first lady who entertains waiting until the end of the school year to move the rest of the family to the White House.

Donald Trump, 2016? Yes. But also Barack Obama, 2008. It may be hard to believe now, but Obama had an adjustment to make when the Oval Office beckoned. In figuring his next moves, Trump could take a page from his predecessor.

Trump lives and works in the 58-story Trump Tower, which is in midtown Manhattan on Fifth Avenue, one of the busiest commercial arteries in America. Since Election Day, the building has been the focus of security efforts that have caused inconveniences for many locals.

Part of 56th Street has been closed to traffic. Two Fifth Avenue lanes are no longer in use. Trump Tower houses Gucci and Nike stores, which shoppers can get to only through the security cordon. Restaurateur David Chang tweeted, “All the NYPD & Secret Service checkpoints killing restaurant foot traffic on 56th St.” In New York Magazine, Justin Davidson said the area has become “the urban equivalent of the security line at JFK.”

A no-fly zone was imposed on the airspace above. In a borough that gave 86 percent of its votes to Hillary Clinton, Trump Tower also has been an irresistible lure for protesters, who create additional tangles.

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