The Blade: ‘This Is No Time to Fall Down’ on Border Security

Border PatrolBy Editorial Board
The Blade 

This is no time to fall down on security.

A New York Times investigation documented incidents of bribery and other ethical lapses involving 200 Department of Homeland Security officers and contract workers during the past 10 years. While that number represents less than 1 percent of the DHS workforce, even one compromised officer can do tremendous damage to the nation’s safety. There’s also the question of how many incidents the newspaper, or DHS leadership, doesn’t know about. There are bound to be more out there.

In some cases, officers let immigrants and drugs into the country illegally, sabotaged investigations into criminal activity, and passed confidential government information to drug cartels. The ethical lapses are blamed, in part, on increased overtures from drug dealers and human traffickers frustrated with tighter border security. One wonders whether ethically challenged officers would also help terrorists who need intelligence information or documents to get into the country. Where does a bad egg draw the line?

To read more click here. 

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