FBI Joins Investigation of Yet Another Act of Vandalism Directed at Jews

jewish-star_of_david_3-svgBy Steve Neavling

The FBI is helping investigate yet another act of vandalism directed at Jewish people.

The latest investigation involves a Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia, where an estimated 75 to 100 headstones were toppled Saturday night, CNN reports. 

Police have yet to find a motive for the vandalism at Mount Carmel Cemetery.

“The Philadelphia FBI Field Office, the Civil Rights Division, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania have opened a civil rights investigation into vandalism at the Mount Carmel Cemetery,” the FBI office in Philadelphia said in an email. “The FBI will collect all available facts and evidence.”

In recent weeks, dozens of Jewish community centers across the country have been the targets of bomb threats.

“I’m a child of a Holocaust survivor, so I grew up with stories of destruction of Jewish cemeteries,” said Rebecka Hess, who helped clean up the cemetery. “I always thought we were done with that.”

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