FBI Places Jordanian Woman on ‘Most Wanted Terrorist’ List

By Steve Neavling

Ahlam Aref Ahmad al-Tamimi was placed on FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorist" list.
Ahlam Aref Ahmad al-Tamimi was placed on FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorist” list.

Ahlam Aref Ahmad al-Tamimi was captured, pleaded guilty and sentenced in 2003 to 16 life prison terms, Al Jazeera reports.

The case involves an Aug. 9, 2001, bombing at a Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem that killed 15 people and injured about 120 others.

In 2011, al-Tamimi was freed from prison as part of a prisoner exchange between Hamas and Israel. Jordan has refused to let the U.S. take her into custody because the constitution forbids the extradition of Jordanian nationals.

“This is the first time the US government has attempted to achieve the extradition and prosecute someone involved in a Palestinian attack against the Israeli occupation,” Al Jazeera’s Shihab Rattansi, reporting from Washington, DC, said. “There have been civil wrongful death suits filed by relatives of Americans killed but this is the first time the government is taking such action.”

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