Former FBI Official Kevin Kendrick: Too Much Drama in Our Capital, and Too Much Silence From Our GOP Congressional Members

Kevin Kendrick was an FBI agent for 25 years. He retired from the FBI in 2006 as special agent in charge of the Charlotte Division. He currently works in private industry in Michigan. This column first appeared on Facebook and is being reprinted with permission.

By Kevin Kendrick

Theatrical masks

I love theatre as much as the next person. All types and forms. But too much of one type, like say, umm, drama, can be taxing.

Our nation’s capital has provided lots of theatre over the years in every form. Some comedic, some tragic, some musical, and lots of the dramatic variety. And in a way, we citizens are the audience to these productions. Our elected representatives are the season-ticket holders and have a front row seat to these shows.

And like any theatre, it’s best to experience it in a measured format. Too much of anything simply isn’t good for you.

Lately, it seems the only theatre we see out of Washington, besides the absurd, is drama.

Lots and lots of drama which by the way, has been horribly scripted.

As spectators, some of us have booed these performances and others have applauded. What has been interesting in the more recent shows has been the silence of some those in the front rows, our GOP Congress folks.

We need for them to stop being quiet spectators during some of these dramas and start being critics. For the sake of theatre. For the sake of our country.

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