Owen Harris to Head FBI Charlotte Division

fbi1By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — Owen Harris, who served as a section chief of the FBI’s Directorate of Intelligence at headquarters, has been named special agent in charge of the Charlotte division, the agency announced Monday.

Harris, an agent since 1990, replaces Nathan T. Gray, who was recently named special agent in charge of the Phoneix division.

Harris’ first stint was in Gary, Ind. He later went on to become a supervisory agent in the Hate Crimes Unit within the Criminal Investigative Division at FBI Headquarters, the FBI said.

At that post, he served as the national program manager for civil rights investigations involving racial and religious discrimination, according to the bureau. He also represented the FBI on the U.S. Attorney General’s Hate Crimes Working Group and served on the President’s National Church Arson Task Force, which investigated arsons nationwide.

He took on several posts after that including violent crimes supervisor in the Houston Division, assistant section chief in the Counterterrorism Division,  and assistant special agent in charge of the Pittsburgh office. He returned to headquarters in 2007.

He is married and has three children.


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