Firing Mueller Won’t Make Everything Go Away For Trump Confidants

President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.

By Steve Neavling

Even if President Trump figures out a way to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, it won’t end the legal problems of some of his closest confidants.

That’s because Mueller isn’t handling all of the cases. For example, federal prosecutors in New York are handling the cases against his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, and the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, Vox reports. Because those probes are separate from Mueller’s investigation, firing the special counsel won’t end the potential legal problems for people like Kushner and Cohen.

Even though Trump attacked the special counsel’s investigation again as a “witch hunt” after Cohen’s office was raided by the FBI, Mueller did not sign off on the probe.

The investigation into Kushner’s business dealings involves another set of prosecutors separate from Mueller, and they’re looking into a $285 million bank loan from Deutsche Bank.

In these cases, Trump won’t be able to end the investigations with firings.

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